
Tax Tidbits

Always relevant – Sometimes entertaining!

When Lower Tax Rates do not equal Less Tax

2019 is here, and it's almost time to file your first tax return under the new law. But you probably sat around watching sports all weekend instead of talking taxes, didn't you. (Did Santa bring a new TV?) So, as we ring in the New Year, let's take a look at how the...

Holiday Tax Advice From Epidemiologists

Holiday season is in full swing, and millions of Americans are celebrating with their favorite libations. Breweries are rolling out their winter brews. Wine stores are stocking up on champagne. And somewhere in a gentrifying warehouse district near you, a hipster...

Carrots Versus Sticks

Take a look at our Internal Revenue Code. No, really, take a good look. (You can buy it on Amazon for just $161.89: two thick paperbacks totaling 4,968 pages. You even get free Prime shipping!) At first glance, it's all about the revenue. For FY 2019,...

When was the last time your accountant said to you

"Here's an idea that can save you money"?