
Tax Tidbits

Always relevant – Sometimes entertaining!

Deep Thoughts About Taxes

Deep Thoughts About Taxes

Around 300 BC, the Greek philosopher Zeno of Citium and his followers gathered in Athens on a Stoa Poikile—a “painted porch”—to discuss how to live a virtuous life built around wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage. (I realize this isn’t what you expect from...

Close Calls!

Astronomers estimate that our solar system includes millions of asteroids occupying a belt between Mars and Jupiter. That's fine, as long as they mind their own business. But sometimes, they get curious and nose their way out of their belt to check us out. On April 9,...

Game On!

It turns out that many owners are using noncash amortization and depreciation deductions to offset cash income and cut their tax bill, in some cases, to zero.


Photo credit: AFP-JIJI You might not be thinking much about baseball right now, but L.A. Dodgers fans are excited to host their season opener against St. Louis on March 28. That’s because, just a few months ago, they lured two-way star Shohei Ohtani away from their...

When was the last time your accountant said to you

"Here's an idea that can save you money"?