
Tax Tidbits

Always relevant – Sometimes entertaining!

Thanks for This Tax “Break”​

Wall Streeters have a lot to give thanks for this holiday season. Earnings are up, so bonuses are up. And that, in turn, means taxes are up, too. The New York Post just reported that Wall Street Bankers Are Throwing Excessive Parties To...

LeBron James Scoffs at These Taxes

If you were coaching your kid's basketball team, you wouldn't win many games if you told them to aim for the backboard. Your opponents might love you, but there would be at least one dad in the stands screaming at you the entire time. So why have some tax collectors...

Hey, Jealousy

Reality television has introduced us all to the joy of the "big reveal." HGTV specializes in this sort of story. The perky couple, handsome brothers, or plucky first-time homeowners spend most of an episode covered in plaster dust and paint. Then after the final...

When was the last time your accountant said to you

"Here's an idea that can save you money"?